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Tips for Story Telling

Tips for Story Telling 
For this week’s clear English speech coaching, we have a speech tip video below. Also, here are tips for storytelling in a presentation… or conversation.
The hard thing is to begin.
There is a right way and a wrong way to start a story, whether it is an anecdote or a ten-minute story.
  • Start at a point in time.
  • The most memorable stories in any culture start with some variation of “once upon a time,” the same way a fairy tale begins.
  • Describe that point in time.
  • Then let it roll.
There is a right way and a wrong way to tell a story:
  • Don’t explain the story (wrong way). Re-create it the way it happened (right way).
  • Use dialogue.
  • Make your audience see what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel what you felt.
  • Make your point, and tie it back to your overall message.

Rerun from 09/30/2013 and 12/16/2016

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