We help you speak English clearly.
Free Speech Lesson




Currently about 4,000 people get a weekly speech tip, so they get a little dose of learning each week:

  • a speech tip video
  • tips for great English pronunciation, oratory, and communication

Who are these people?

  • alumni or people who have taken one or more (up to 8, but usually 2) of our coached courses from us
  • people who asked for a Free Sample Lesson of the coached or tutored classes
  • other persons who sent students to us or showed an interest in our work

In these twenty years I have been pursuing the butterfly of clear American English, the same pleas came to us over and over.

Please, please give us  —Easy, Freedom, Innovation, Inexpensive.

Everyone told us that these were their top priorities for learning.

Above all else, people craved that lessons are EASY:

  • They LIKE to turn on the speech tip and get guided.

History for you: Three days after the passing of my dear husband, I started the work on a subscription.  I started work on a monthly subscription where members pay a fee for weekly lessons containing the most current and best of what I and we here at Clear Talk Mastery know.

My inspiration and mentor was my foremost trusted advisor G.L., a former student and multimillionaire who made his mark with an extraordinarily successful internet business that actually helped people.  He worked crazy hard for years at his business and was ultimately crazy successful.

We already knew people loved the Clear Talk Method – our particular learning method.

We also knew they loved “free.”

I believe as much as 40% of the persons receiving the (free) Weekly Speech Tip open them each week.

Now for our free You Tube Speech Tips (80), we have had over 200,000 hits in about two years.

Tonight my trusted business analyst and former student TK told me that the weekly speech lessons in our subscription course, ClearTalk Weekly were actually just an advanced weekly speech tip.

Ta Da.  She is absolutely correct.

She told me to emphasize to people how much work has gone and is going into the subscription, ClearTalk Weekly:

  • FYI, average total amount of time now to do one week’s lesson is 40-60 hours. Used to be at least a third more.
  • That time doesn’t include thinking time. That is fun time, but minutes and minutes which end up being hours…

So let me take you backstage for a few details about Easy, Freedom, Innovative, Inexpensive.

First the cornerstone.  We made this advanced weekly lesson (aka subscription course, ClearTalk Weekly)  EASY.

EASY is:

  • systematic, scientifically based sequenced lessons of sounds and speech tips so that you learn faster and remember longer
  • Videos 3 minutes long –exactly what you like. You got 15 minutes a day? Then do the whole lesson.  You got 6 minutes? Do two of the videos.


  • You do as much or as little as you want. 24/7.
  • Cancel whenever you want.


  • Clear Talk Method is precise instruction for perfect pronunciation, muscle strengthening and teaching you the reasons and the rules
  • 15 years, 65 first languages, gains assessed using scientific pre and post assessment


  • 70 cents a day or $5 a week which is $19.95 membership monthly.

Okay.  Why bother?  Who but a crazy person would put this much energy and time into a subscription service for accent reduction for non-native North American English persons?

Because my personal mission and the mission of Clear Talk Mastery staff and management is to help as many people who want help as possible.

In order to do that, we need to give our precious students (and their sponsors, if they have one) what they want and need: EASY, FREEDOM, INNOVATIVE, INEXPENSIVE.

So what is our wish now?

Our wish is that many, many people gift themselves or someone they care for.

Check out this new advanced weekly speech tip program, our new subscription called ClearTalk Weekly, www.subscription.cleartalkmastery.com

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