We help you speak English clearly.
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        Key to Success!

    We help you speak English clearly.
        •  Share Your Ideas
        •  Be Understood
        •  Talk to Groups
        •  Talk on the Phone

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    I highly recommend the Clear Talk strategies to anyone who needs to drive or participate in meetings, presentations and phone conversations. I believe the techniques you learn here can be great tools in getting your point across, motivating people, evaluating and responding to nuances in social behavior.

    S.D., India, upper management, Communication tech R&D firm
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    The Clear Talk lessons were a real eye-opener for me. They have increased my intelligibility enormously. I now listen to myself while speaking and am alert to voice volume, pitch and pronunciation. I am now much more understandable in all situations - on the phone, in meetings and in presentations.

    S.R., India, R & D project manager, MBA at Stanford University
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    Technical Professionals 

    Technical Professionals

    ... improving my English dramatically. Before this course, much of my pronunciation is wrong, but I don’t know about that at all, and I can’t tell the difference between mine and native Americans’... it focuses on basic skills and an every day practice with clear talk strategy, doing double or triple clear.

    X.L., China, Ph.D. Candidate in Geophysics
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    Medical Professionals 

      Medical Professionals

    I have corrected the wrong pronunciations that are Chinese-English... wonderful teacher who pushed me speaking clear English. I learned many useful things, including the culture of the America, the skills to do presentation, the rules for grammar, word family, syllable division, syllable stress and voice inflection.

    C.G.Z., China, Ph.D. Candidate in Biochemistry
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    Educators and Students 

      Educators & Students

    You helped me raise my intelligibility from about 30% to about 60%...I really feel sorry for my students who were in my first semester when my intelligibility was only 30%...Now I confidently speak in our seminars and workshops...if you want to be successful, either in the US or China, you must speak decent English.

    R. Z., China, Ph.D. Business, now professor in a
    leading university in China

Personal Benefits

Are you tired of being asked to repeat yourself? Speaking English clearly can help! Learn to speak in a way that you know people can understand.

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Educators / Students

Verbal communication is essential for learning. If the student struggles to understand the teacher, learning is much more difficult.

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English is the language for business all over the world. Whether it is a meeting, a presentation, or a phone call, we can help you talk effectively.

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We Can Help You Get There!

We deliver quality personalized instruction on how to speak English clearly. We use proven techniques to deliver guaranteed results quickly. Our specialty is helping people who already speak English as a second language, but who have trouble communicating with other English speakers.

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