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The How Can I Help Offer

“How Can I Help” Call— Your Offer

For an “How Can I  Help” call– just by calling you are showing that you care.  Letting someone know that you are available can mean a lot.  True, people often don’t know what to ask for, but with good listening and questioning skills, you may be able to find out enough to know what to offer.

Support comes in many forms – a shoulder to cry on, an ear that listens, a word of encouragement, a piece of information, a hand to hold for comfort.

Offer Your Help

Offer Your Help- Make a Call

Make this call to offer support and make yourself available as a resource.  When you hear about a project or challenge someone is facing, reach out and call.  If you hear someone is job searching you can call and offer ideas and moral support.

Ask questions to find out what is really needed.

Keep Communication Lines Open

The “Thinking of You” Call

Call friends, clients, and associates occasionally for no particular reason other than to say hello and let them know you are thinking of them.

No sales pitch, no request, no agenda, no expectations.  Just “Hi, how are you?  I was thinking of you and want to know how things are going.”

Take Detached Look at Your Comfort Zone for Interaction

Take a Detached Look at your Comfort Zone for Interacting with Others.

Taking a detached look at your comfort zone for people interaction can be unsettling, but it reveals a characteristic which you can choose to accept or change.

–Are you comfortable or at ease making conversation with someone you don’t know at a meeting, convention or conference?

—Do you avoid making eye contact with people in hallways, elevators and airplanes?

—Can you respond easily when someone tries to include you in a conversation?

Key words here are “making conversation,” ” eye contact,” and “easy response when someone tries to include you in a conversation” Therein lies the steps toward expanding your comfort zone for interaction.

Keep in Touch

Keep in Touch The Power of Staying in Touch… and Reconnecting

You ever get “Keep in touch” line at the end of a note, written or email?Great power is in staying in touch and reconnecting. Think about your relationships, past and present which are likely more vast than your initial thought. Relationships are like a garden, they need tending. Cultivate your relationships, your network, for growth, action, and interaction.

Staying in touch with people is like the little drops of water that make the trees grow and blossom. (Don’t know how to initiate? — “Been thinking about you.” “We haven’t communicated in a while. Do you have a few minutes to chat by phone in the next few days or week?”)