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Distributed Practice

P for “Priority” for Massed and Distributed Practice

This is Number 4 in our series of recommended sequence for fast, easy mastery of American English speech sounds.  The directed instruction is for English consonant P and the word “priority.”

It’s estimated it takes 35 accurate repetitions of a new word to memorize it accurately.  That’s called massed practice. That will get you in to the associative phase of  procedural learning.  Getting to the autonomous phase where the pronunciation is automatic and long term learning is gained through even more accurate pronunciation.  That is best spread out in time,  and is spaced learning or distributed learning or timing.  More information?  http://www.cleartalkmastery.com/blog/2023/05/10/the-endgame-is-procedural-memory/

By practicing different words, you are giving your motor system and motor memory variety so it can p for producing the P sound with the needed tension in the lips and pressing of the lips when the speech sounds preceding and following the target speech sound are different.

That’s why the words I, 3 and 4 in this series all have directed instruction on the video for the English speech sound p—“probably,”  “anticipate,” and “priority. “

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